Year 2

What’s going on in Year 2?

Introduction to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2. There are 2 classes: 2M and 2W. The teachers are: Miss McIntosh and Miss Wilkes.

In the Autumn Term we will be learning about:

The Great Fire of London and Great Britain (history, geography and English)

Place value, addition and subtraction, money and multiplication and division (maths)

Animals including humans (science)

Online Safety (PSHE)

Islam and Christianity (RE)

In the Spring Term we will be learning about:

Ghana and Antarctica (history, geography and English)

Materials (science)

P​roperties of Shape, and Fractions, Multiplication, Division and Statistics. (Maths)

Being responsible/feelings and emotions (PSHE)

Right and wrong  and Christianity – The Life and Teachings of Jesus (RE)

In the Summer Term we will be learning about:

Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and The Seaside (history and geography)

Twisted Fairy Tales (English)

Length, Height, Position and Direction, Consolidation and Problem Solving.

Time, Mass, Capacity, Temperature and Consolidation. (maths)

Animals and their habitats and plants (science)

Relationships and our world (PSHE)

A secular world view – Humanism​ and the natural world (RE)

The books/texts we will be using in our English this year are:

Vlad and the Great Fire of London, Ice Trap!, The Wolf’s Story, Little Red, Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, various non-fiction texts

Our expectations of home-learning are:

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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