Sports Premium

Improving the provision of PE and sport

What is the PE and Sports Premium?

The funding is to help primary schools across England implement sustainable developments that will have an impact on the provision of PE and school sport. The money is allocated directly to schools to ensure the outcomes are specific to the children’s needs within the individual settings. Ultimately leading to improved lifestyle choices and a habit of participation in the future.

Haseltine have used the ‘PE and Sports Premium’ to target the 5 main guidance indicators for improvement in physical education (PE), school sport (SS) and physical activity (PA):  

1: The engagement of allpupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

5: Increased participation in competitive sport

Haseltine Funding 2021-22£17,163.24

At Haseltine we place a big emphasis on sport. We believe it is important for children’s health and wellbeing. We also believe that it’s healthy for the children to be competitive and to be reflective when they lose. Competitive sport develops children’s resilience, which they then apply to all areas of their learning.

The Sports Premium has contributed to::

The Curriculum:

We have a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum. New sports have been introduced and new resources purchased (basketball nets, new goal posts, tennis sets). For more information about the PE curriculum please see the curriculum section on our website.

Emphasis on intra and inter-school competitions:

The children play an extensive range of competitive sports across the borough. Team reports can be seen on our website. So far the children have been involved in athletics, netball, basketball and football competitions.

Throughout the year the children take part in 3 timed or measured activity challenges. These are : Speed bounce, Chest push and skipping. The children compete within the school and then the top boy and girl from each year group compete across Sydenham and Forest Hill schools for the best scores, resulting in Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates.

This not only promotes health and fitness but has allowed the school to see marked improvements as children grow through and improve their own skill level.


Children and play leaders have been trained to lead activities and games at lunchtimes so that the majority of the children are involved in physical activity throughout the hour.

Extra Curricular Activities:

Extra curricular clubs include: multi-sports, football, netball, cricket, gymnastics and basketball. Haseltine has its own teams in all of these sports. Engagement is high and there are waiting lists for children to join the clubs.

Recent Impact:

Sports clubs after school are all full (2021-22)

Children are more active at lunchtimes and playtimes due to new equipment and engagement of staff in new games

Engagement in Sport outside of school has grown with pupils representing the Borough in cricket and football

In a recent (2021-22) ‘pupil voice of physical education’ survey 90% of children felt very confident and enjoy the subject

This has allowed the school to target areas within PE, SS, PA that it would not have been able to otherwise. We have taken a whole school approach to using the funding and tried to implement our intentions to ensure longevity and have maximum impact. Please see our PE Premium planned spend and expected impact for 2021-22 and review of 2020-2021 below.

PE Sports funding plan

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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