Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact
Delivering a broad and balanced curriculum – When planning the curriculum Haseltine school has the following aims in mind:
- To follow the national curriculum requirements in all subjects- taking advantage of the sequencing of skills and knowledge therein.
- To review the curriculum regularly to take into account our local context- both challenges and opportunities and to allow autonomy of teachers to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of their learners.
- To expose children of all backgrounds and abilities to a range of subjects, experiences, texts and vocabulary in order to spark their interest and curiosity in learning and the world around them.
- To use the curriculum to promote and reinforce school and British Values through the use of ‘The Haseltine Tree’ and subjects such as RE and PHSE.
- To use the school curriculum and values to develop children as future learners, leaders and citizens and prepare them as lifelong leaners in order that they can take full advantages of the opportunities available to them as they continue on in their education.
Haseltine Curriculum Implementation
- Topic themes and overviews are provided for each half term. Teachers use the national curriculum skills and objectives to plan their series of lessons and individual lessons building on prior knowledge and skills in each subject.
- Where possible cross -curricular links are made to ensure that learning has a context, most usually in English and history, supported by high quality, engaging texts to challenge the children and develop vocabulary.
- Some subjects are taught discretely – generally PE, music, RE and science. We use the White Rose approach for mathematics, The Kent Science scheme and the Lewisham RE syllabus. Specialist teachers are generally used for music, PE and art during PPA cover.
- Teachers ‘hook’ children with a range of approaches; trips, wow days, provocations. Vocabulary is planned for; both subject specific, topic specific and academic words from the AWL. Displays in the classroom reflect the key vocabulary taught each half term.
- Teachers subject knowledge is supported via staff meetings, CPD time and other opportunities. This, alongside school assessment procedures enables the teachers to confidently address misconceptions, promote and build on knowledge and assess effectively and regularly.
Haseltine Curriculum Impact
- Children are receiving a broad and balanced curriculum
- Progress and attainment are evidenced via a range of approaches including formal assessments and national testing.
- Children are able to retain, use and apply vocabulary, skills and learning in an increasing range of contexts.
- Children are able to articulate their learning and their love of learning.
- Children have developed as keen and independent learners and are ready for the next transition stage.