Design & Technology

Children have a natural desire to design and make things and we encourage this through the teaching of Design and Technology.

At Haseltine children are encouraged to use their imagination and knowledge to design and make using a variety of materials. The aim is to provide children with the skills to complete practical tasks successfully and to use appropriate tools safely.

Children have a natural desire to design and make things and we encourage this through the teaching of Design and Technology.

DT works best in context and should be linked to children’s current learning, working across the curriculum, from numeracy, Science and literacy to topic work.

DT learning is strongest when it is enquiry-based, i.e. the children should always be given time to investigate materials, tools, prototypes, and there should always be room in the making process for experimentation and evaluation; the latter can always form part of writing lessons.

As they move through KS2, the children should take an active role in forming the design brief, and there should be increasing focus on creating appealing and well-functioning products.

View Haseltine’s Design and Technology Curriculum below.

Design & Technology Curriculum 2021
Design Technology – Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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