
At Haseltine, children enjoy different history based topics each year, ranging from Ancient Greece and Rome to Vikings and World War II.We make every effort to develop meaningful links between subjects, with English and Maths often taught within a cross curricular context. Through our links with Islington library we are able to immerse the children in their topics by using reproduction and real artefacts in our classrooms.

Engaging lessons

Where possible space is left in the curriculum to study topics of current interest; for example World War 1 or for classes to choose an era of historic interest to study. We also create engaging lessons using such as Victorian School Day in year 5, Roman days etc. To reinforce their learning, theatre groups and visitors bring the subject alive and all children benefit from visiting places of historical interest.

We aim to ignite a love of History and to give the children the skills that they need to enable to them to continue as historical learners long after they have left Haseltine.

View Haseltine’s History Curriculum below.

History Curriculum
History – Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536


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