Physical Education

At Haseltine children will have vital experiences that will build self-confidence, need resilience and always aim for excellence. In physical education these experiences include competition as a natural indicator and often valuable spur to achievement by individuals.All children receive a minimum of two hours PE and games per week. Haseltine has its own dedicated PE teacher to oversee and ensure quality in all aspects of the PE curriculum.

Where possible, the PE curriculum will cross over with the topics being taught in the class room, using topical vocabulary, historical references helping to cement knowledge and understanding.

We seek through games to:
Aims of PE curriculum:

Additional to the PE curriculum there are also opportunities to become involved with after school sports clubs such as Netball, Football, Taekwondo, Street Dance and Athletics. These clubs are run by Haseltine staff and qualified coaches from local clubs. The clubs are focused on improving basic skill levels, having FUN and increasing participation in sport and physical activities.

View Haseltine’s Games, Physical Education, Dance and Swimming Curriculum below.

PE Curriculum Long Term Plan
PE Progression

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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