
What’s going on in Reception?

Introduction to Reception Year

Welcome to Reception!

We have two Reception classes this year. RC’s teacher is Ms Clark and RJ’s teachers are Miss Jenner and Miss Graham.

The reception learning environment is an exciting and magical place to be. The children will freely explore inside and outside in the garden ​with carefully planned learning opportunities that support development across the 7 areas of learning. (See Curriculum for details.)

Teachers carefully select beautiful and inspiring books as a springboard for learning enquiries. Books provide a wealth of opportunities for discussion, new vocabulary, creativity and understanding of the world. We then follow the children’s ideas and interests in order to plan the pathway for our exploration and learning.

We want to make sure parents are kept up to date with what’s going on in Reception so we have a Padlet page that is updated weekly. It contains news, important dates, and a summary of the learning for the week. There are also ideas for how you can support your children’s learning at home. The reception team will send you the link for this Padlet at the start of the year.

We send home a newsletter each week that has an overview of the week’s learning and also points towards the direction of the learning for the following week. Please also look at our Early Years page in the curriculum section of this website.

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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