Year 3

What’s going on in Year 3?

Introduction to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3. We have 2 year 3 classes- 3M Miss Mustafa and 3SB whose teachers are Miss Booker and Miss Steel. 

In the Autumn Term we will be learning about:

Geography/History – Volcanoes (Term 1) Settlements (Term 2)

Science- Rocks (Term 1) Animals including humans (Term 2)

RE:- Buddhism (Term 1) Christmas around the world (Term 2)

In the Spring Term we will be learning about:

History/Geography- Africa (Term 1) The Stone Age (Term 2)

Science – Magnets and forces (Term 1) Light (Term 2)

RE – Peace (Term 1) Christianity – different perspectives on Easter (Term 2 )

In the Summer Term we will be learning about:

History/Geography – Barbados and Jamaica(Term 1) The Romans (Term 2)

Science – Plants (Term 1) Skills and consolidation (Term 2)

RE:- Hinduism (Term 1) Sikhism (Term 2)

The books/texts we will be using in our English this year are:

Term 1 – Escape from Pompeii – Christina Balit , Coming to England- Floella Benjamin

Term 2 – Long Walk to Freedom- Nelson Mandela, Stone Age Boy – Satoshi Kitamura

Term 3 – Poems by Benjamin Zephania, Empire’s End- a Roman story – Leila Rashid

Our expectations of home-learning are:

Children regularly practise their times tables and spellings at home.

Children have Mathletics and Times Table Rockstar logins and should be accessing these regularly. Pupils will be set weekly Mathletics tasks aligned with their learning in school.

Year 3 teachers will send half-termly newsletters to provide up-to-date curriculum information to parents and carers.

Other relevant information:

We have PE on Mondays. Please remember to send your child into school that day wearing their PE kit.

We are learning Ukuleles with Joff on Thursdays.

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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