Year 4
What’s going on in Year 4?
Introduction to Year 4
Welcome to year 4. There are 2 classes: 4P & 4R. The teachers are: Mr Powell and Miss Rawlinson.
In the Autumn Term we will be learning about:
Geography/History – Rivers (Term 1) Anglo Saxons (Term 2)
Science: States of Matter (Term 1) Sound (Term 2)
RE: Islam (Term 1) Christianity – Christmas (Term 2)
Maths: Place Value (Term 1) Addition and Subtraction, Length and Perimeter, Multiplication and Division (Term 2)
In the Spring Term we will be learning about:
Geography/History – Uganda (Term 1) Mayans (Term 2)
Science: Electricity (Term 1) Animals and Humans – Teeth and Eating (Term 2)
RE: Christianity – Easter (Term 1) The Circle of Life (Term 2)
Maths: Multiplication and Division, Area (Term 1) Fractions and Decimals (Term 2)
In the Summer Term we will be learning about:
Geography/History – Cities in the United Kingdom (Term 1) Vikings (Term 2)
Science: Living Things and Their Habitats (Term 1) Consolidation of Prior Learning (Term 2)
RE: Christianity – Easter (Term 1) The Circle of Life (Term 2)
Maths: Decimals, Money and Time (Term 1) Statistics, Properties of Shape and Positions and Direction (Term 2)
The books/texts we will be using in our English this year are:
Term 1: Newspaper Reports re: the River Thames, Anglo Saxons – Jane Bingham
Term 2: Haiku Poems, Horrible History Texts (e.g. the Angry Aztecs)
Term 3: The Viewer – Shaun Tan, Non-fiction Texts: (e.g. Eric the Viking)
Our expectations of home-learning are:
- Weekly Mathletics to be completed – activities are set on Thursday and the deadline for completion is every Thursday.
- Children to practise spellings for test every Friday.
- Children to practise their times tables in preparation for the Multiplication Tables check.
- Children to read daily, ideally with an adult.
Any other relevant information:
PE on Thursdays – Please remember to send your child into school that day wearing their PE kit.