Year 6

What’s going on in Year 6?

Introduction to Year 6

Welcome to year 6. In our year group there are two classes: 6M and 6L. Our teachers are: Mrs MacWatt and Miss Leslie.

In the Autumn Term we will be learning about:

English: The horror genre, writing letters in character.

History: WW1

Maths: place value, four operations.

Geography: co-ordinates and longitude and latitude

Science: heart and the circulation system and light

In the Spring Term we will be learning about:

English: report writing, diary entries, poetry, non-fiction texts

Maths: Fractions, decimals, percentages, algebra, area and perimeter, ratio and SATS preparation.

History: Windrush

Science: Classification and Evolution

In the Summer Term we will be learning about:

English: writing in character, scene building, persuasive texts, speech writing and newspaper writing.

Maths: Statistics, Geometry and maths projects

Science: The Human Body – puberty, keeping healthy, managing relationships.

The books/texts we will be using in our English this year are:

WW1 non-fiction texts, The Enemy, Coming To England, Windrush Child, The Hunger Games, Phoenix.

Our expectations of home-learning are:

Mathletics and Read Theory daily for 20 mins each minimum, weekly spellings, daily reading for pleasure & SATS revision books (guided by Padlet).

Any other relevant information:

PE is on Friday mornings. Please remember to send your child into school that day wearing their PE kit.

We will also be working hard to develop are reading, writing, spelling and grammar skills and becoming more fluent in maths. We will be working hard to prepare for our SATS tests and to ensure that we are secondary ready.

Haseltine Primary School
Haseltine Road
Lower Sydenham
London SE26 5AD
Tel: 020 8778 6536

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